Typo im Raum: Typo Lampe
Typography and light are to be linked here and also a positive content transported. The used text excerpts are from a song by Farin Urlaub frome the year 2001 called "Abschiedslied". The idea was always to be reminded that everything in your life is quite fine, but anyway you should not forget to try new and don't get stuck in your cosy life, what you might forget in everyday life.
The square frame itself is made of mahogany. Letter for letter was glued together. The "floating" letters support each other, supported by the frame construction. The light source is an LED light strip which does not impair the optical appearance in any way and also has excellent energy efficiency and avoids heat. In conclusion, the only thing to be said is that the type lamp is 15 × 15 cm in size, the letters themselves average about 1 × 1.5 cm in size and a total of 292 letters were installed. In addition, there is a small film, which should show the beautiful shadow play of the lamp.